Upcoming Announcements and Projects

  • Seeing Through Christ's Vision

    The names of Heaven’s Quarter 777’s establishments will be announced soon.

  • Building The Foundations of His Promises..

    A time is coming when a “schedluing block” will be released. This will be a challenge for both I and ‘you’. We will have the opportunity to fellowship via phone 1 on 1.

    How interesting could this be? The beginning of building ‘the ark’.

  • Shhh …

    Arthur’s is currently writing Leaving Hell Quenched Pt. 2 The Paradigm Shift 1.2 Loaded .. … ..

  • Let's Keep It All About Jesus.

    Robert Breaker

This is a call to reach and to connect with all for the sake of Jesus Christ

“Answer The Call”

“Get that interview done! God had you write that book for a reason!”

“This is bigger than what you know. What you realize! This is going to save souls ACROSS THE WORLD!

“I can’t wait for part 2.”

“It’s not the words. I can literally feel this book.”

“Oh I know she didn’t write this book.”

“Wow that was good. That was really good. I got chills while reading that. I’ll definitely read the opening.”

“Very powerful. I mean every time you read it, it is like you can get something new from it.”

Behold, that Christ stands at the door and knock. And if any man hears His voice, it will be as the ushering of the opened door for the one who knocked and kept knocking, and if this man who heard the knock of The Lord yields to open the door of which Jesus has knocked, God will come into him, and sup with him, and this man will sup with Dayspring.

Hear it Once, Revelation.

Heart it Twice, Confirmation

Receive it, Believe it, Build it

Hear it Once, Revelation. • Heart it Twice, Confirmation • Receive it, Believe it, Build it •

“… And that is the part that we all miss. He dwelled within the great existence. The realm whose extents, once rested, above the facets and proportions of the inter-dimension.” - Pt.2 The Paradigm Shift 1.2 Loaded: L.H.Q. Series 1

  • This includes doing what He commands. Jesus is always looking for a way into our hearts, lives, and minds. He is faithful to make a believer among the unbelieving. Obedience is produced by Faith! Faith grows by seeking!

  • This is imperative. Quick. HURRY! Rush into His arms. The land and skies are shouting again. Creation is telling us all that God is near. For a mind without Christ is a heart of mold. To be without Christ’s perspective is to remain in a state of emergency! Answer Him. He’s calling.

  • God promises that His children WILL miss His wrath and remains safe from jezebel’s bed of judgement! This is good and in direct harmony with The Bible. So the blessed hope stands true to this day! For The Day of Lord has approached slicker than a thief. More silent than the jaguars. Don’t let the clock run out; Repent! <3

“Did ‘you’ answer The Call?”

  • “The first step in digesting and processing truth is to fully understand that this place, this realm, is not our home.”

    “6But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel, 7and not all are children of Abraham because they are his offspring, but “Through Isaac shall your offspring be named.” 8This means that it is not the children of the flesh who are the children of God, but the children of the promise are counted as offspring” - Romans 9-6-8esv

  • “And if He left His Spirit for our advocacy and authority, Jesus left us here with The Power of God. See, Truth was speaking when He said that He leaves us not as orphans. God ascended and came right back down to dwell and journey with us once again, being that He remained with His children after His ascension. He fulfills Scripture, Jesus never left us, He’s in attendance for this round table discussion. The Holy Spirit is just the head of God’s show, here on earth, and we must make sure to include Him in all battles; “

    “7 Jesus said, “Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of my burial. 8 For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me.” “

  • “It is time to let go. This is the moment that ‘you’ can give your life to Christ and oblige by a new mission.”

    “9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” -Romans 10:9esv

Join Day Spring and help The Kingdom occupy until Jesus Christ comes back.

By His blood, Spirit and Father; ‘we’ are one …